Webex (Teams)- USE IT!

This is my 3rd blog post on this app, so if you STILL haven't jumped on board, now is the time:

Webex (Teams), formerly known as Spark (and still is to me), is a great tool for quick communication between teachers.  I have previously done a post on Spark, but I wanted to revisit this app again for our new teachers or teachers that have yet to jump on board.  What are you waiting for?! 

Webex Teams is a messaging tool that easily allows for sharing of files and communication (and most importantly, GIFs).  I find it to be much faster than email or phone and is definitely my preferred way of being contacted. ⟸Note to self

To use the app, you can install it from Manager.  Go to "Self Service" then "My Apps" and "(Re)install/Update" Webex.

After you open it, you will be asking to sign in.  Webex sent emails out to all staff for you to set up your account.  If you trashed it, no worries.   

Open the app and type in your fullname@smsd.org.  If you know your password, go ahead and sign in.  Note: It is not necessarily the same as your network password. You would have created this password in isolation.  If you don't know it, click "Forgot password?" and follow the prompts.  If you have never created your account, still click "forgot password" and then put in your fullname@smsd.org email to receive a reset request.

Once you have successfully logged in, click the + sign to either contact an individual or create a space with multiple people.  I have a space for my library PLC, PBIS, etc.

Once you are in a conversation, you can share files, use the interactive white board, or call the person(s) and video chat.  This feature is how we have our monthly library PLCs.  Any files that are shared within a conversation can be easily located by selecting "Files".  Then you don't have to scroll through the conversation to find something that was previously shared.
Once you've had enough of someone, you can choose Conversation⟹Leave Space.

There is an IHMS General space that is used daily to troubleshoot technology, ask questions, or share a laugh.  You're missing out if you aren't using it!

Click here for a more in-depth look.


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