
 Those of you that like to have 78 tabs open in a browser at a time, this one's for you!  I have long been singing the praises of this Chrome extension, so if you've ignored me before, hear me now.

OneTab is a super simple way to organize all of your tabs...into...One. Tab.  If you are like me and access a variety of different websites on a daily basis, or if you need to gather a bunch of sites for a lesson on a certain day, OneTab would be a great addition to your toolbar.  This Chrome extension also saves up to 95% of your memory since it decreases the amount of open tabs.  Your computer will run more efficiently! 

To add it, go to the Chrome Web Store and search "OneTab" then "Add to Chrome".  If you see the green flag in the upper left corner, it's already added.  Use it!  

Once added, you will see the small icon in your Chrome toolbar.  OneTab will open every time you open Chrome.  If you accidentally close OneTab, the sites you had listed will be saved and time stamped.

If you start getting tab happy, click the icon and all of the websites you have open in your browser will consolidate to the OneTab page.  From there, you can create groups, name groups, and lock groups.  I recommend locking and naming any groups of sites that you use consistently. Yes, you can also bookmark them, but this is another option.  To reopen those sites, just click on them from OneTab and they will pop back up as a separate tab.

To create your groups, first open all of the sites you want to appear in that group.  They all need to be separate tabs within the same Chrome window.  Then, click the OneTab icon in the toolbar to consolidate.  Next, click the "more" in the upper right hand corner and name and lock your group. You can always edit or undo this later.  OneTab will also let you import and export groups that others have made.


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