Spotlight on Spotlight

 Your Macbook can do so many cool things that you probably don't know about.  Who has time for that? One of those cool features is the Spotlight tool that comes on every Apple device.

You can get to the Spotlight tool in a couple of different ways:

  1. Access it from the top menu bar (or add it there from System Preferences)

  2. Type command+spacebar
Both ways will get you to the Spotlight search toolbar.
The Spotlight search tool can be used for a variety of different tasks:
  • Quickly find an app or program on your Macbook.  Start typing the name of the program you want to open and it will appear in your search results.  Double click it to open the program.
  • Start typing a keyword.  Any files, documents, emails, etc. with that keyword will be displayed in your search results.  The results are organized by file type, so you can see if the results are a PDF, email message, etc.
  • Define a word.  Type the word in the Spotlight search and you will see the definition either pop right up or a resulting link from Merriam Webster.
  • Other cool things Spotlight can do:
    • Conversions (ounces to lbs, feet to miles, etc.) Just type in "feet to miles" or whatever you need to convert.

    • Weather forecast:  Type "weather" and let your Macbook determine your location.

Try and get the hang of using this handy tool to streamline your tasks and become more efficient. 


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