Deck Toys

Deck Toys is an engagement platform to make learning more interactive for your students.  You can use content that you've already created (Google Slides, Powerpoint, etc.) to create decks to review content, teach new learning, or enhance your lessons.  

Here are two example decks created by Laura Ballard:
Vocabulary Review
Flowers for Algernon

To create a deck, first sign up for free with your Google account.  A Deck is a canvas where you can create an interactive lesson to engage students. You may add Activities and Paths to encourage students' progression. Explore the  Deck Gallery for decks made by other teachers.  

Once you've created your first deck, you can share the Deck Toys classroom address with your students by posting the URL in Skyward or Google Classroom.

Students will then work through the deck at their own pace.  You will see their avatars as they progress through the deck.  You can run a report to see the percentage of students that have completed certain activities within your deck.

There is an Activity Lock feature that prevents students from getting to a new path without first successfully completing a task and gaining the password.  This is a great way to ensure that students understand a given concept and incentivizes moving forward in the deck.

See this quick start guide for more detailed information about how to create and use your first deck.

This 5 minute tutorial is a brief overview on how to get started:

This longer video is a more complete tutorial:

Please see this previous post about gaming in the classroom.


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