Dock Preferences

 If you are tired of seeing three WebEx Meetings apps open on your dock, or done with accidentally opening FaceTime and seeing your face...then you'll want to change your dock preferences!

This is a super easy trick to clean up your desktop and make life easier.  

First, get rid of the applications you don't use. Removing apps makes the icons you do keep bigger and vice versa. Right click on the app in the dock and choose "Options" then either "Keep in Dock" or "Remove from Dock".  This will also....dock...applications you use every day.  

Next, you can set other preferences for your dock. To do this, right click on the skinny black line towards the right of your dock.  You can also choose whether or not to show recently used apps. I recommend unchecking this box, especially if you have already chosen "Keep in Dock" for those apps you will need. 

Play around with the different options and make it most user-friendly for you!  

Last dock tip: close out any apps you aren't using that might be sucking up your battery.  Apps that have a teeny, tiny black dot under them in your dock are still open in the background, even if you're not using them.  Right click on them and quit to completely exit the application.


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