
"Plickers is a powerfully simple tool that lets teachers collect real-time formative assessment data without the need for student devices."  The prep work is minimal, and students will be fully engaged during your lesson or review as they don't need their device in front of them!  The only required equipment would be your iPad.

Plickers can be used to check for understanding throughout a lesson, as an assessment, or as a tool to spark curiosity and prior knowledge, much like a Blind Kahoot.

Teachers will first want to sign up for a Plickers account.  Signing up is free and you can do so by connecting to your Google account.

After signing up, you will be taken through a quick tutorial of the different menu buttons.  Teachers will create a class for each class period they teach, and print one set of Plickers cards for the whole day.

A close up of a card shows that, depending on the direction you hold the card, a different answer will be submitted: A, B, C, or D.  You can choose fewer than 4 answer choices or make A=true and B=false, etc.  All cards have a number to record which student is which or simply do it blindly.  The Plickers app on your iPad will scan what the students are holding up and formulate your results.

Some ways to use Plickers in the classroom:
  • Poll questions and voting
  • Choosing groups or topics
  • Status of the class on a given assignment/project
  • Choose your own adventure stories
  • Parent survey at Open House
  • Student survey

The best tutorial of the whole shebang can be seen in the 9 minute video below.  It includes set up, viewing, how to see your results, and how to scan the student cards.


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