Blind Kahoot

Most of you are familiar with Kahoot, a site that uses questions in a game-like format to review material, but have you heard of Blind Kahooting'?  This method of using Kahoot in the classroom actually uses it as an instructional tool, rather than a review/test tool.  We know that students love using Kahoot, so try taking it to another level.  Some are saying this is the way Kahoot was designed to be used and is the most effective.

The concept of a Blind Kahoot is "all about building knowledge brick by brick...[they] are designed to give every learner a chance to feel success and motivation throughout the game, and with long lasting effects.  In a single game, you'll be sparking curiosity about the new topic, laying the foundations for understanding increasingly complex concepts, and giving learners the opportunity to immediately and successfully apply their knowledge."

To get started with a Blind Kahoot, you would first ask a question that engages the students, maybe even activating prior knowledge, but also levelling the playing field.  If the students have never seen the vocabulary before and do not know what the right answer is, then those smartypants that are always at the top of the leaderboard suddenly aren't.  Remember, a Blind Kahoot should be just that- blind!  The information you use should not have already been taught- use a regular, review Kahoot for that.  Once students answer, right or wrong, you've created a jumping off point to discuss the question and the different answers.  Explain why the right answer is the right answer.

Design your Blind Kahoot the way you would your lesson.  What types of questions would you ask?  Use a procession of questions that move through your topic the same way you would in a traditional lesson.  After asking a "blind" question, follow it with a reinforcing question.  Scaffold the questions to build upon each other.  Also consider using charts, images, and video.  This gets students to look more deeply at a question and promotes critical thinking.  "What does the chart show or NOT show?"

Here is an overview of a Blind Kahoot:

For more detailed information, watch the explanation of the Blind Kahoot creator:

The website offers templates to get started with the creation of a Blind Kahoot.


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