
Wonderopolis is a website created by the National Center for Families Learning.  It houses thousands and thousands of Wonders of the Day.  Every day, a new Wonder is posted. I could see this site being used for bell work or as an extension activity: Have students find a Wonder of the Day based on your lesson/topic for the week.

When students select the Wonder of the Day or use the search function to find Wonders based on their keywords and curiosity, they are taken to a full page of learning on that topic.  Students can read the text or have it read to them.  There is a list of Wonder Words that delves into the vocabulary from that article. 

Once students have hovered over a Wonder Word and read the text, they can take a Wonder Word Challenge.  There is a separate challenge to set their comprehension of the article.  There are follow up questions, activities, and suggested Wonders of the Day that are related.  Students can also comment or create their own "I wonder..." question.

Watch this 2 minute overview video of all students can do with Wonderopolis.

Another great feature of Wonderopolis is the Wonder Ground.  The Wonder Ground has "ready-to-use lesson plans, classroom resources, and insights on how to use the Wonders of the Day in correlation with standards."

Teachers can search by standard, grade level, or keyword.


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