Choice Boards for Virtual Learning

As we continue to work with students through virtual learning, choice boards are a great way to provide asynchronous options to students that may have limitations (time, connectivity) in some regard, but they still want to be engaged in the content.

You should be familiar with choice boards as our last PD day was a choice board using Blendspace.  Blendspace is a great tool to use if this is something you want to implement in your Week at a Glance, but you can always stick to Google Docs and make it even more simple.

The easiest way would be to download one of these templates.  Be sure to make a copy for yourself.
The template uses a Google Doc and a tic-tac-toe format which we know students understand.  Within the choice board, you can ask students to produce something using another digital tool they may be familiar with (FlipGrid, PearDeck, etc.) or ask them to explore a new digital tool on their own.
Home Learning with Choice Boards During School Closures
The above choice board asks students to start with square 5 (free space) as a required square, and then choose two other squares to create their tic-tac-toe.  Obviously, there are more than one way to do this, so do what works for you.  Ask students to change the text color or highlight the squares they chose to do, or have them submit those items in Google Classroom.

Here is an example of a tic-tac-toe board for figurative language in high school.   Ignore the grading reference in the directions.
Home Learning with Choice Boards During School Closures

Choice boards are a great tool to give students options on their learning while still demonstrating their understanding of a concept.  Keep them in mind for future projects in the classroom as well.



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