Teach with Blendspace

A blendspace is an online tool where multiple digital tools are combined into one interactive lesson.  For example, in one lesson, students would watch a YouTube video, view a slide deck in Google Slides or PowerPoint, complete an online quiz, and answer questions in a Google Doc.  This is an extreme example, but the possibilities are endless!

TES Teach with Blendspace is a platform/template that offers these types of lessons.  It's compatible with Google, so signing up for an account is simple- you simply select "log in with Google."  There is already a Lessons Library if you want to dip your toe in with your students with a pre-made lesson, or you can dive right in and create your own.

To create a lesson, the process is very seamless.  You can drag and drop into the template or search from any number of sources such as YouTube, Google Drive, Google Images, Dropbox, etc.

The lessons you create can then be shared with your students via Google Classroom, email, or you can embed the link anywhere.  Students can also join using a code.

If you've ever thought about flipping your classroom, this might be an easy way to start.  Here is a one minute tutorial on Blendspace:


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