Go Formative

Formative is an assessment site that we have used in staff meetings in the past.  "Formative is a web assessment tool that works on any device. it allows teachers to create assignments, collect data, and provide feedback to students in real-time."

Signing up is simple and syncs with your Google account.  You only need to create an account if you want to create your own Formatives or use the library.  Students do not need an account.

There are 1000s of pre-made Formatives in the public library.  You can search by keyword, grade level, and standard.  

Formatives can be in a variety of question formats with a few different assignment types.  You can upload pictures or PDFs for students to reference while taking their assessment.  There's even a "show your work" question type that allows students to draw a response.  I could see using the Wacom tablets for this to show student work in math, to have students draw on a map, or to annotate text.

Questions have a default point value of 1 point, but you can modify that as well as edit any questions from someone else's creation.

Once you have chosen or created your Formative, you can invite students to participate by sharing the code or by posting to Google Classroom.  There are additional settings that can be tweaked before you assign to students.

You can see their responses coming through in real-time.  Use this information to check for understanding and see if a question needs more explanation.  This would also be a great way to see what students already know about a topic, much like a Blind Kahoot.

Watch this video tutorial for an in-depth look into how to get started and create your first Formative:


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