Google Classroom at Semester

This is primarily for elective classes.  For core classes, you will want students that change hours at semester to delete their 1st semester class and join their 2nd semester class period. The first day back from break is a great day to visually see that all students are still in not only your correct Google Classroom, but that they are enrolled in Knight Time Google Classroom as well.

The first thing you, as a teacher, will want to do is Archive your 1st semester classes.  You will want to Archive, not Delete so that you can reuse some of your posts.

Archive a class:
  1. Sign in to Classroom at
  2. On the class card, click options and select Archive.
  3. To confirm, click Archive.

Next, create your 2nd semester classes using the format: Hour 2 Algebra (Hour ___ Course Name).
You can reuse any post—announcements, assignments, and questions—from a current or previous class. This does not work with Archived classes. You can modify a post before you reuse it. For example, you might want to change the date it's due. You can also use the same attachments and add new ones, if needed.
To reuse an old post:
Follow the below directions or watch the video tutorial.

  1. Sign in to Classroom at
  2. Click the class.
  3. Click add.
  4. Click Reuse post.
  5. Click the class that has the post you want to reuse and click Select.
  6. Select the post you want to reuse.
  7. If you don’t want to use the same attachments, uncheck the Create new copies of all attachments box.
  8. Click Reuse.
  9. (Optional) Change any information in the post and delete or add attachments as needed.
  10. Do one of the following options:
    1. If you want to save the post for a later date, click the arrow next to Post, Assign, or Ask and select Save draft.
    2. To reuse a post or assignment immediately, click Post.
To reuse a question immediately, click Ask, specify how students can interact with the question, and click Ask to confirm.


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