Augmented Reality (AR) in the Classroom

If you haven't been living under a rock in the last few years, you are probably familiar with the concept of augmented reality.  Augmented reality (AR) is "a technology that superimposes a computer-generated image on a user's view of the real world, thus providing a composite view."    

AR is different then virtual reality (VR) in that AR layers CGI on top of actual video/photos where virtual reality is all computer-generated.  If you've ever played PokemonGo or used a Snapchat filter, that's AR.

At Indian Hills, we have 3 ViewMaster headsets and a couple Cardboard versions.  Both require that students have access to a smartphone and have the ability to download a free app.  Once they have downloaded the app, they simply insert their phone into the headset and go on a number of adventures.  

There are virtual field trips to countless worldwide locations that could be applicable to the classroom.  The ViewMaster Destinations apps as well as Google's Cardboard app are free on both iOS and Android devices.  Unfortunately, there is no MacBook version of AR.

Discovery Education offers a few suggestions on how to use AR/VR in the classroom:

  • Book Reviews: Students record themselves giving a brief review of a novel that they just finished, and then attach that “aura” (assigned digital information) to a book. Afterward, anyone can scan the cover of the book and instantly access the review.
  • Word Walls: Students can record themselves providing the definitions to different vocabulary words on a word wall. Afterward, anyone can use the Aurasma app to make a peer pop up on screen, telling them the definition and using the word in a sentence.
  • Lab Safety: Put triggers…all around a science laboratory so, when students scan them, they can quickly learn the different safety procedures and protocols for the lab equipment.
  • Virtual Field Trips: Students can visit historic locations and really get a "street view" of places around the world.

Here is how the ViewMaster works:


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