Google Sites

Google Sites used to be a scary, scary place, but they've done some updates this year and I'm tasking my 1st hour students with creating their own site!  In Sites, you can embed YouTube videos, Google Maps, and anything from your Google Drive.

There are a myriad of ways you could use Sites in the classroom:

Teachers could use a Google Site to house their calendar, weekly agenda, homework, etc.  While students can get most of this information from Google Classroom, parents would benefit greater from a Parent Portal in Sites.  Teachers could also use Sites to house all of the material for each unit.  Consider a page per unit with links, videos, audio files, etc.  Not only is it a great way for students to access information, but it also keeps everything in one spot when you need to use it the following year.

Students could use Sites as a digital portfolio.  Have them showcase their work from the quarter or semester and reflect on each piece.  Classmates can then view each other's work.

My 1st hour students created a Google Site to showcase some of their work.  Here are some examples:

Here is the tutorial I used to show my students how to get started:


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