Quizlet's New Features

Many of you are probably already familiar with Quizlet, a site where you can create flashcards for studying.  Recently, Quizlet has come out with a new feature called Quizlet Live that I'll highlight today, and I'll also mention a few of its other components you may not be aware of yet.

The basis for Quizlet begins when you create a study set for your students.  Anything that can be visualized on a set of flashcards can be made into a study set.  You can type each word and definition into Quizlet, or you can import from a saved document.  This set will be utilized for all of the other games and features within Quizlet.  You and your students can get an account using your Google information.  

You can then create a class for your students to gain access to your different study sets, or share what you've created with other teachers.

There are several different features within Quizlet, other than the standard flashcards (though that is where I would have your students start so they can be the most successful).  Students can practice spelling the words (Speller), matching the words with the defintion (Scatter), play arcade-like games (Gravity)- there are several options.

Live is the newest addition to Quizlet and is the game you will see Mrs. Biggs' students playing in the video below.  In this game, students are randomly assigned to a group.  The study set that you created is then input into a set of vocabulary tiles.  Each student group is then given a definition, and each student in the group is given a tile with a set of possible answers on it.  The group has to discuss all of the options and decide which person has the correct answer in front of them before they select their answer.  If they choose incorrectly, they go back to the beginning of the animal race.  Speed and accuracy are the name of the game.  You can reshuffle the groups at any time, and no two groups are looking at the same definition at the same time.  From the video, you can see that the anticipation is palpable!

Watch a short, two-minute video of Mrs. Biggs' 8th grade English classes studying poetry terms.


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