Teen Tech Week March 6-12

Teen Tech Week is next week as sponsored by YALSA (Young Adult Library Services Association).  I know that everyone is in the testing mindset, so here are some goodies that you can add to your Google Classroom for when students are done with testing but need to be working independently on something.

A Google a Day Challenge
Each day the challenge changes.  You start with a question and try to use your Google search skills to arrive at the correct answer and advance to the next challenge.  Tips and tricks as well as hints are given, but the key is not to type the entire question into the Google search.  Tough, I know.

The object of this website is to answer trivia questions in a variety of categories.  A question is asked, and you have to find the location of the answer by dropping a pin on a Google Map.  Pretty fun!

Legos!  Students can enter the Build Academy to learn the ins and outs on how to build, or they can simply "Start Building" and learn on their own.  If they "Enter the world of build," they will see all the creations that other people have made and published, and can add to the world, anywhere on the map.
Build Academy
The World of Build

I'm sure you have your own little gems to offer to the students, but these are just a few, little known, Google ones that everyone should know about.  More to come!


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