Google Add-Ons

Last week we talked about Chrome extensions, and while there are numerous more extensions you can search to make your life easier as a teacher, today we will focus on add-ons.
There are TONS of add-ons within the Google apps.  Think of add-ons like little short-cuts.

In Google Docs (Google Sheets works the same way), select "Add-ons" then "Get add-ons".

Here you can search for specific Add-ons or browse by topic.

Once you have added whichever add-on you've chosen, you can access it anytime you are in Google Docs by returning to the Add-ons menu.  Here you can also manage/delete them.

Some initial suggestions for you and your students:
  • EasyBib:  Cite sources within your Google Doc without going to the EasyBib site
  • g(Math):  Insert graphs and equations
  • Kaizena:  Audio record feedback on student documents rather than type them
  • VexTab Musical Notation: Musical notation within Google Docs
  • Teacher rubrics such as OrangeSlice, Doctopus (which pairs with Goobric), and Flubaroo: grade within student work 
The list goes on.  You can also find how-to tutorials on the above and a variety of others.

Remember that the purpose of these add-ons is for you and your students to have more functionality and tools within Google.  You can turn them on and off at any time.


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