Digital Whiteboard is a digital tool for student and teacher use.  It's free and there is no login/account creation required!  While there are other digital whiteboards out there (I know there is one in WebEx), is such an easy way to do formative assessments and easily check in with your students.  Students can join from mobile devices or their MacBook, so this is a great option to consider for virtual learning. Classes are limited to about 50 students, so I would close out the room between each class period.
To start, visit the website and click "new class".

Type in the name you'd like to display for your students and click "Create new class".  You will then be given a URL to provide to students so they may enter your class.  Post this URL in Google Classroom for easy access.  Students can click on the link to join, or visit the homepage, click "join class" and enter the last part of the URL (red rectangle below).

Just like you, students will be prompted to type their display name before entering the room.  There is no log in required by them.

You can ask a question of your students digitally or traditionally and ask them to respond on their whiteboards.  Teachers can also write something on the teacher board and push that board out to all students.  As students respond, their answers show up in your class display.  Students cannot see the boards of other students.  They can either use the trackpad or phone/tablet screen to draw their responses, or they can use text to answer.

If you select a student's board, you can erase their work, kick them out, or push your whiteboard again to them.

I could see this as a great tool for math teachers and teachers that want to poll students or give formative assessments.  Check out this one minute overview:

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