
I have previously blogged about the benefits of using screencasts, but I wanted to delve deeper into one specific tool and how it could benefit you and your classroom: Screencastify.

Some suggestions for using Screencastify in your classroom:
  • Sub plans! Create a Google Slideshow and talk your students through the lesson for the day.  Students can watch from Google Classroom on their own computers.
  • Absent students: If you use a slideshow to teach your daily lessons anyway, screen record it one time while you are teaching and post it for any absent students to view from home.
  • Flipped classroom: Create your slideshow and record yourself teaching the lesson.  Post as homework for students to watch and then use the following day for reteach and support.
  • Student projects: Students can add the Chrome extension as well and do a flipped version of a presentation.  Students can watch others' independently or as a class.
  • Feedback: Screen record yourself as you are grading student projects (writing, presentations, or otherwise).  It's more personalized because they can see your reactions and suggestions and it takes away all of that writing/typing.
Screencastify is a Chrome extension that can be found in the Chrome Web Store.  

There is no need to register or sign up with Screencastify, simply link it to your Google account.  After adding it to your Chrome browser, you will have to give some permissions for microphone and camera but then, you are set to go!

The Screencastify extension is available for you to use at any time by selecting it from your Chrome toolbar. 

Once you select it, you have the option of recording your entire desktop or a specific browser.  For the most part, you will want a specific browser tab.

Once you are ready to go, select "Record."  You will see a count down appear in the middle of your screen so you know when to start talking. There is an option to embed the Webcam with your screen recording so students can see you while you're talking.  This might be beneficial if you are using a screencast for any type of personalized feedback.

The lower left-hand corner will show a menu of options that you can use while you are screen recording to showcase your cursor movements, use a pen and eraser, or turn your webcam off and on.  This is also where you will pause or end your recording.

If you enable the webcam, you will see your beautiful face in the lower right-hand corner.  You can adjust the size of the webcam screen or move it around to a different location.

Once you have completed your recording, you will get a menu of information.  Screencastify automatically saves recordings to Google Drive. You can then copy the link of your recording to Google Classroom or Skyward, or you can upload it directly to your platform from Drive.  

This teacher has some more details about some of the above suggestions as well as how to assign a Screencastify project in Google Classroom.


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