ClassroomQ- When Students Need Assistance in Class

ClassroomQ is a website created by teachers for teachers.  They saw the need for a tool that allowed students to let the teacher know that they needed help without sitting with their hand up for extended periods of time.  A Google Form will grant you the same information, but ClassroomQ is an easy way for students to let you know that they need assistance with the click of a button.

The free version allows for you to have up to five students in your queue at a time. If that is not enough, you can spring for the paid version or try a Google Form, but first, you'll want to create a ClassroomQ account.

Once you have created your account, choose "start".
You will get a class code that your students will need in order to get into your queue.  Students do not need to create an account to use this site.
You could post your code in Google Classroom or write it on the board.  Students will need to go to and enter their name and the class code.  All students should do this step, even if they do not end up needing assistance in class.

Once they submit, their screen will display the "assistance needed" button.  Should students need assistance, they click their button and it turns from blue to red.  They have the option of adding a comment along with their request for help.  The students can also see how many students are in line ahead of them.

Students can continue to work and press "cancel" if they no longer need assistance.
From the teacher account, you can see which students are in line for help and in what order.  You can also see if a student has submitted a comment.  Once you have assisted them, click on their name and they are removed from the line.

Clear the queue or end the session at any time. You can use the same code for all of your classes.  The hope is that students who are not as likely to raise their hand to ask for help would feel more comfortable seeking assistance using a tool like this.  It also allows for students to continue to work while they are waiting. 

See this video from one of the creators on how to use the site:


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