Desktop Stacks

This week's tip is short and sweet, but it will make you look like you've got it together if you are a #2.  Shout out to Carol Edds for the tip!  To go from a #2 to a #1, you can either actually get organized, or use the below trick and just pretend to have it all together.

Begin by first right-clicking anywhere on your desktop to get the menu pictured below or from the Finder screen choose "View" and choose "Use Stacks". (To get to the Finder menu, click on the smiling face in your Dock.)

Stacks are automatically grouped by file kind: jpg, PDF, etc.  If you want to change how your files are grouped:

To open a stack, click on the stack.  A folder with an arrow will then drop down everything within that stack.  Double click any file to open per usual.

To stop using Stacks, simply go back to the Finder menu → View → uncheck "Use Stacks".
Click here for more info.


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