What's New in Google Drive

Google Drive: love it or hate it, but there have been some cool updates since spring. 

The first update is Priority.  You may have gotten a pop up about this some time over the summer.  Drive has an algorithm that finds files you are accessing frequently and similar file suggestions.  You can also respond to comments from other documents here. 

Another new feature is Workspaces.  Think of Workspaces like Drive folders, but again the algorithm makes suggestions based on your titled Workspace.  You can decide to add their suggestions or not, and you can search for other documents that pertain to that Workspace's content.  You can add up to 25 documents in a Workspace.  

You also have the ability to hide a Workspace for a time.  For example, I have created a Workspace with all of my many Deployment documents.  Because this is a once a year event, I will hide the Workspace for the rest of the year and access it again in August.

Any Workspace you create can be accessed through the Priority tab and you have the option of making the Priority page the landing page when you Open Drive if you wish by going to 
Settings-->General-->Make Priority the default.


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