Micro Podcasting with Synth

Synth is a free website where you or your students can record 256 second soundbytes (micropodcasting).  The concept is much like the audio-only version of Flipgrid.  Signing up is easy and syncs with your Google account. 

Students have to acknowledge whether or not they are over 16, so some of the features you will see will differ from their view due to age restrictions.  Explore and Feed which are open source are unavailable for our students to view.

To create a recording, click the red plus button and then start.  You have a maximum of 256 seconds to record and also have the option of adding some sound effects to your recording.  If you toggle transcription to the on position, Synth will attempt to transcribe your audio.  It isn't perfect, so the transcriptions are editable.

In order for students to access your recording, they first need to create their account with Google (see above).  You can post the link to your podcast recording in Google Classroom or simply give them the code to access it as well. Here is more information about student accounts in Synth.

"Adding students to a Podcast is simple. Teachers create a Podcast. After creation, share a weblink + Participation code with students. Students click on the weblink, enter the Participation code and create their account. Once created, they can log in and participate anytime."

Use Synth in the classroom to have students respond to a given topic either as an exit ticket or as homework.  Have students give book reviews or summarize lesson content.  Use the commenting feature to have students listen to each other's recordings.  

See if you can hear and comment on this test (Remember you have to have created your account first): https://gosynth.com/p/s/secfvo

A very thorough overview can be found in this video.  Skip to about 7:57 for information about adding students to a thread:

To learn more about podcasts, visit my previous post here.



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