
Buncee is "the award winning content creation and communication tool being used by educators around the world. Engaging people of all ages and transforming them into creators, storytellers, and future-ready digital citizens."  From buncee.com, students and teachers can create a Buncee account by linking to Google.

With Buncee, students and teachers can create up to three, free "interactive media-rich lessons, presentations, assessments, digital stories, parent outreach, and newsletters..."  Obviously, the paid version allows for endless creations and more features, but for those feeling brave enough to try something new, you've got three!

The media options are fun (there's a corgi!) and images, audio, video, animation, etc. is all in one place.  Students don't have to worry about whether images can be used due to copyright as they are pulled from Pixabay.

Buncee Boards allow you to subscribe to the Buncees created by another user and see any new material they add to their Board.

Visit the Gallery to see Buncees already created.  Search by grade level or theme.  Here is an example of a Buncee on figurative language (choose Autoplay in the lower right corner).

If you are looking for another way for students to demonstrate their learning, give Buncee a shot!

Here is a brief overview (5 min) of the different Buncee features:

Go to the Buncee YouTube channel for more videos on specific features.

If you want a more in-depth, face-to-face tutorial, Indian Woods is offering a PD session on October 25 after school.


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