Using Skyward for Parent Communication

Administration has requested that teachers post daily classwork and homework that is visible to both parents and students.  Skyward is the ideal place to post this as parents have access to it.

Post a link to an agenda (the easiest way; you only have to do this once in Skyward):

1. Click on Lesson Scheduler

2. Click on the + sign

3. Enter your class name as the Summary and add your link to your agenda in the Details. Use the Style Toolbar to link your agenda to the Details section.  Mine is linked to a Google Slideshow.

4. Be sure to select "Show item on Family and Student Access" so that parents can visit your agenda.

5. Copy your same Details to multiple classes by choosing Copy to Other Classes and selecting the other hours you teach of the same subject.

6. Set up your information to appear every day in Skyward for parents and students by choosing Recurrence and setting your preferences.
If you already use an agenda on the screen for your students each day, this is a great way to cut down on your work.  Below is a screenshot of what my agenda looks like.  Elyse Biggs has a great example as well.
Here is what this looks like to parents and students:


Post an announcement (this would have to be done every day but is just as effective):

1. Click on Lesson Scheduler

2. Click on the + sign

3. Enter your class name as the Summary and type in the daily classwork and homework in the Details section.

4. Copy your same Details to multiple classes by choosing Copy to Other Classes and selecting the other hours you teach of the same subject.

5. Be sure to select "Show item on Family and Student Access" so that parents can see your Details.

Here is what this example would look like to parents and students:


But wait! There's more! Posting it as an announcement:

1.  Open your Gradebook
2. Choose Other Access and then Message Center

3. Choose whether you want to add a message to multiple classes or one in particular:

4.  Type your message details including when you want it to appear.  Decide if you want to also post this same message/announcement to their calendars, or simply appear on their Skyward home page.

This is how that message/announcement will appear to parents and students when they log in:


Missing assignments

Be sure to mark missing assignments as Missing, not just marked as a zero.


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