End-of-the-Year Project Ideas

It's May! Which means that both students and teachers are on their way to burnout.  On this last blog post of the school year, I'm giving some ideas on project-based lessons to help your students hang on until the last day.  You could choose one idea and give it to all students, or maybe you present them with all five and give them the choice.

1. Show what you know
Everyone has something that they are really knowledgeable about (ex. karate, knitting, singing). Make them showcase that knowledge through a presentation/speech.  Create a rubric using a Google Add-on or have students created the rubrics themselves.

2. Own a _____________
Students again become the experts, but this time they will have to do research to establish their expertise.  Have them take ownership of a football team, planet, animal and be able to present their findings to the class or in small groups.  Students can use their choice of presentation tools like Thinglink, iMovie, Prezi, or an infographic.

3. Portfolio showcase
Students gather all of their best/favorite work from the year and justify why they've included it in their portfolio.  Students can present or share in groups in whatever platform they choose.  You can also create a class jigsaw for students to insert their documents into a slideshow.

4. New ending
Students can choose their favorite book, movie, historical event, or poem and come up with a different ending.  Again, students can choose how they wish to present this to the class.

5. Create a commercial
Have student decide on a product (real or fake) either in groups or as a class.  Students can use QuickTime or iMovie to create a commercial to present to the class.  The class can vote on their favorite.

Hang in there! Summer is right around the corner.



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