Google Slides Q & A

One feature of Google Slides that you may not be aware of is the Q & A.  It allows anyone watching your presentation to submit questions to you, the presenter.  This is, of course, is an option and probably not useful for every slide deck you create.

When viewing your active presentation, your audience will see a short link at the top of your screen.

From this link, students/audience can ask a question or vote on a question that they'd like to be answered.

You can pause the Q & A option at any time.  Questions submitted will be funneled into a time-stamped list that you can either use while presenting or save for later.  Having these questions will give you feedback on what to teach again the next day and which students need more instruction.  Questions can be submitted anonymously, however.

I can see this being used in the classroom for:
  • Daily teacher-directed lessons
  • Student presentations/peer participation
  • Getting those students engaged that are too shy to ask a question aloud


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