Using Infographics

An infographic is a visual image used to represent data or information.  We all know that our students are easily distracted and have short attention spans.  Why not cater to those qualities by using infographics as a teaching tool?  Using visuals when teaching is beneficial to students because "as images are processed simultaneously, we process them 60,000 times faster than we process text" (Piktochart).

While infographics are primarily used to visualize data, there are also many other ways to incorporate them into the classroom.  

Piktochart has a few ideas:

  • Giving infographics as research material:  To supplement reading from the text, have students analyze the infographic given to them and debrief as a class.
  • Explaining rules or clarifying processes:  Teach steps for students to follow on how to turn in homework or when to have their laptops out and open.
  • Making comparisons:  Compare two cities, companies, stories, etc.
  • Sharing data or showing trends:  Make sense of results in math or science.
  • Visualizing a timeline:  Use historical time periods or the events of a novel.

While Piktochart is my favorite infographic tool as it's very user friendly, there are also several others:

All are free to use and some, like Piktochart, use your Google account to sign up/in and have templates for getting started.


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