
Edpuzzle is a site that allows you to create lessons from videos. These videos can be ones you've created and saved on your computer, or you can pull video content from the the places listed below in the screenshot such as YouTube, Khan Academy, etc. You can insert questions, crop them, and it all syncs seamlessly with Google Drive.  You also have the ability to track students' progress as they work through the video. To find a video that will work for the content you are working on in class,  simply search for keywords on your lesson topic:

Once you have found a video that you'd like to use for your lesson, you start editing it.  You can shorten it, pause the video and ask a questions as the video goes along, or leave the video as is and ask a question at the end.  There are a variety of options.

Here I have chosen a video on plagiarism, paused it, and inserted a question on the right that students will respond to by typing on their screen as they watch it.

After you have edited your video lesson, you can share it with any or all of your Google Classrooms. 

Track your students' progress on the video and see how many have viewed it and when, as well as assign them a grade.  You can also share your lesson with other teachers.

Think about using Edpuzzle for a flipped classroom format if you've wanted to try going that route.  It's very simple to use and worth a try!


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