Trimming YouTube Videos

This week's tip is courtesy of Nichole Hoehn!

Many of you use YouTube in the classroom for teaching and learning.  Have you ever found a great YouTube video to show your students, but you only want a certain part of the video?  Today's tip will help with just that. 

There are a few ways you can share a certain part of a YouTube video with others.  The two we talk about today will be from within YouTube itself, but there are other sites/apps that do the same thing.

1. Use the Share button
Choose your video and decide where you would like the video to start.  Then click the "Share" button.  Before you close that window, choose "start video at ____" and enter the point at which the video should begin .  If you pause the video at the time you want it to start and then click Share, it will automatically enter the time stamp of when you paused it.  Copy the link and paste the video into Google Classroom, Skyward, or wherever.

2. Use the URL
Choose your video and begin watching it.  At the time you want it to begin for your students, right click on the video (two fingers down on trackpad) and you will get the below menu.  Choose "Copy video URL at current time" and then paste that URL into whatever platform you choose.


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