
Showing posts from September, 2019


ClassHook is a resource for digital clips from TV shows and movies.  The clips are sourced from YouTube and do not violate copyright because they are not used for profit. Search by specific theme or topic and see what pop culture results you will get. Mrs. Nelson was teaching a lesson on personal space, and when I used "personal space" as keywords, these are my results: Using these clips to augment your lesson can engage students further and also give actionable examples of what you are discussing in class.  You can search the available clips by keyword, topic, grade level, or clip length.  The free version allows for unlimited searching and use of clips. From : " Due to the flexible nature of video, there are so many ways that you can use ClassHook in your classroom, whether it be to start a lesson, reinforce a concept, or conclude a lesson. The following are some examples of how educators are using ClassHook clips. To gain student int

Desktop Stacks

This week's tip is short and sweet, but it will make you look like you've got it together if you are a #2.  Shout out to Carol Edds for the tip!  To go from a #2 to a #1, you can either actually get organized, or use the below trick and just  pretend  to have it all together. Begin by first right-clicking anywhere on your desktop to get the menu pictured below or from the Finder screen choose "View" and choose "Use Stacks". (To get to the Finder menu, click on the smiling face in your Dock.) Stacks are automatically grouped by file kind: jpg, PDF, etc.  If you want to change how your files are grouped: To open a stack, click on the stack.  A folder with an arrow will then drop down everything within that stack.  Double click any file to open per usual. To stop using Stacks, simply go back to the Finder menu → View → uncheck "Use Stacks". Click here for more info.

Flipgrid Fliphunt

I know many of you are familiar with or have used Flipgrid in your classrooms. If you are not, please refer to this previous blog post to see what a cool tool it is for your students. The Flipgrid community has been buzzing lately with the newest way to use it...a Fliphunt! It's a great tool for formative assessments.  Students can work individually or in small groups to show their understanding of a concept or a procedure. I could see Fliphunts being especially useful at the beginning of the year to engage students and address things like textbook orientation, how to sign out of the classroom, how to fill out their planner, where to find information about your class (homework, what to do when you're absent, teacher contact info, etc.)  I'm going to start working on one for library orientation information to use next year. To create a Fliphunt: First sign in or create your Flipgrid account.   Then, create a task document in Google Docs around your conten

Webex Teams- the Easiest Way to Communicate

Webex Teams, formerly known as Spark (and still is to me), is a great tool for quick communication between teachers.  I have previously done a post on Spark, but I wanted to revisit this app again for our new teachers or teachers that have yet to jump on board.  What are you waiting for?! Webex Teams is a messaging tool that easily allows for sharing of files and communication (and most importantly, GIFs).  I find it to be much faster than email or phone and is definitely my preferred way of being contacted. ⟸Note to self To use the app, you can install it from Manager.  Go to "My Apps" and "(Re)install/Update" Cisco Webex Teams. After you open it, you will be asking to sign in.  Webex sent emails out to all staff for you to set up your account.  If you trashed it, no worries.   Open the app and type in your (new teachers will type in their  If you know your password, go ahead and sign in.  Note: It is not n