
Showing posts from February, 2020

Single-Point Rubrics

A lot of us use rubrics to assess our students' learning.  It's a great tool to provide students at the beginning of an assignment or project so that they know exactly what is expected of them.  However, Edutopia thinks that providing only a single-point rubric would more greatly benefit students in that, " the single-point rubric includes only guidance on and descriptions of successful work..."  Why are we telling our students how to fail? Most of them can figure that out on their own.  Instead, we should be providing information on what the student needs to do to successfully complete their assignment.  Here is an example as provided by Edutopia: They go on to list 6 reasons why we should be transitioning to this type of rubric: 1. It gives space to reflect on both strengths and weaknesses in student work. Each category invites teachers to meaningfully share with students what they did really well and where they might want to consider making some adjustments